Rochester Community Education Offers classes on Race
Race: The Power of an Illusion. Episode 1: The Difference Between Us (Class Code: 7341.221)
Monday, March 17, 1 Sessions, 7-9 p.m. Location: Northrop-Rm. 319, Fee: $10/Senior Fee: $8
This first episode of the powerful three-part series delves into the science of race, showing how despite popular belief, the people of the world simply can't be bundled into distinct biological groups. A Norwegian may have more DNA in common with a Nigerian than with a fellow Norwegian. No single biological trait distinguishes one race from another. Yet although race may not be biological, the idea of it has very real consequences. Film followed by discussion. Cosponsored with Diversity Council. Instructor: Diversity Council Staff
Foreign Languages
Sign Language (Class Code: 7392.221)
Race: The Power of an Illusion. Episode 1: The Difference Between Us (Class Code: 7341.221)
Monday, March 17, 1 Sessions, 7-9 p.m. Location: Northrop-Rm. 319, Fee: $10/Senior Fee: $8
This first episode of the powerful three-part series delves into the science of race, showing how despite popular belief, the people of the world simply can't be bundled into distinct biological groups. A Norwegian may have more DNA in common with a Nigerian than with a fellow Norwegian. No single biological trait distinguishes one race from another. Yet although race may not be biological, the idea of it has very real consequences. Film followed by discussion. Cosponsored with Diversity Council. Instructor: Diversity Council Staff
Foreign Languages
Sign Language (Class Code: 7392.221)
Monday, March 3-Wednesday, April 9, 10 Sessions, 6-8 p.m. Location: Mayo High School-Rm. 1-301, Fee: $80
This is a beginning class for individuals who wish to learn basic sign language skills for communicating with deaf and hard of hearing persons. Expressive and receptive skills will be developed in vocabulary, finger spelling, and number concepts. This class focuses on the use of ASL signs and concepts following English word order. The textbook "The JOY of Signing" by Lottie L. Riekehof will be used during class. It can be ordered at most local bookstores. Class will meet at Northrop March 10. No class Mar. 31 and April 2. Instructors: Rebecca Wulff and Julie Oakland
Hebrew--Beginning (Class Code: 7398.221)
This is a beginning class for individuals who wish to learn basic sign language skills for communicating with deaf and hard of hearing persons. Expressive and receptive skills will be developed in vocabulary, finger spelling, and number concepts. This class focuses on the use of ASL signs and concepts following English word order. The textbook "The JOY of Signing" by Lottie L. Riekehof will be used during class. It can be ordered at most local bookstores. Class will meet at Northrop March 10. No class Mar. 31 and April 2. Instructors: Rebecca Wulff and Julie Oakland
Hebrew--Beginning (Class Code: 7398.221)
Tuesday, March 18-Tuesday, June 3, 10 Sessions, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Location: John Adams-Rm. 117 at John Adams Middle, Fee: $68/Senior Fee: $51
It's written backwards, but it's not impossible to read! Learn to read Hebrew with vowels! Become acquainted with The Book (Hebrew Scripture), the language of The Book (Hebrew), and the religious civilization of The Book (Judaism)! A $36 supply fee will be collected. No class April 1 and 22. Class will meet at Northrop on March 18 and May 13. Instructor: David Freeman
Rochester Community Education and the Red Cross Offer First Aid and CPR Classes
First Aid Basics (Class Code: 8136.221)
It's written backwards, but it's not impossible to read! Learn to read Hebrew with vowels! Become acquainted with The Book (Hebrew Scripture), the language of The Book (Hebrew), and the religious civilization of The Book (Judaism)! A $36 supply fee will be collected. No class April 1 and 22. Class will meet at Northrop on March 18 and May 13. Instructor: David Freeman
Rochester Community Education and the Red Cross Offer First Aid and CPR Classes
First Aid Basics (Class Code: 8136.221)
Wednesday, Mar 26, 1 Sessions, 6 - 10 p.m. Location: American Red Cross, 310 14th St SE, Fee: $40
Participants will learn skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first aid care for injuries and sudden illnesses until advanced medical care arrives. Program includes victim assessment, care for wounds, bone and soft tissue injuries, head and spinal injuries, burns and heat, and cold emergencies. Course includes participant's booklet and laminated first aid skills card. A 24-hour notice is required for cancellations or transfers by calling Community Education at 285-8646. Cosponsored with the American Red Cross. Instructor: Staff of the American Red Cross
Infant and Child CPR (Class Code: 8145.22)
Participants will learn skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first aid care for injuries and sudden illnesses until advanced medical care arrives. Program includes victim assessment, care for wounds, bone and soft tissue injuries, head and spinal injuries, burns and heat, and cold emergencies. Course includes participant's booklet and laminated first aid skills card. A 24-hour notice is required for cancellations or transfers by calling Community Education at 285-8646. Cosponsored with the American Red Cross. Instructor: Staff of the American Red Cross
Infant and Child CPR (Class Code: 8145.22)
Wednesday, March 19, 1 Sessions, 5:30 - 10 p.m. Location: American Red Cross, 310 14th St SE, Fee: $46
This course is designed for parents, child care workers, and others who care for younger children and teaches skills for avoiding hazards and responding to emergencies. Participants will learn how to recognize and respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for children and infants. Course includes participant's booklet and laminated skills card. A 24-hour notice is required for cancellations or transfers by calling Community Education at 507-285-8646. Cosponsored with the American Red Cross. Instructor: Staff of the American Red Cross
This course is designed for parents, child care workers, and others who care for younger children and teaches skills for avoiding hazards and responding to emergencies. Participants will learn how to recognize and respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies for children and infants. Course includes participant's booklet and laminated skills card. A 24-hour notice is required for cancellations or transfers by calling Community Education at 507-285-8646. Cosponsored with the American Red Cross. Instructor: Staff of the American Red Cross
Have you had a chance to “Look at the Book”? Adult Enrichment offerings are now open online at http://activenet.active.com/rochesterce. Brochures are available at Northrop Education Center, all Rochester Kwik Trips, Rochester Public Library, and. Simonize. If you have questions please call 507-328-4000.
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